Sello Masilo Shaun Megannon
PIVOT PAINTING AND RENOVATION SOLUTIONS is a Level1 BBBEE company and is manager owned, by Shaun Megannon and Sello Masilo. We strive to provide a professional hands-on approach in order to exceed our stakeholders expectations. Our work is generally carried out in occupied buildings and in the public eye, so it is imperative that we always operate with the highest possible standards of quality and safety.

Pivot Painting and Renovation Solutions (PTY) is a leading painting, painting renovation and building refurbishment company, operating in all major centers within South Africa.
In March 2017 a successful sale was concluded whereby Tri-Star Painting and Renovation, together with its management structures and combined experience of over 45 years formed a Level 1 BBBEE company - now know as Pivot Painting and Renovation Solutions.
Our long standing reputation of consistently delivering projects on time, while ensuring quality and safety remains our focus and commitment to all our stake holders.